By Scott
Oliverson as Space Ace "laser disc animated video game"
Note: This is a parody version of TransFormers the
animated movie back in 1986...
It all begins on planet Earth in the Sol
system with Ace and his terran Autobot warriors entertaining Sally Acorn, her
parents Max and Alicia, Sonic and his parents Bertha, Jules and Chuck, Tails and
his parents Amadeus and Rosemary, Amy Rose, Fiona Fox, Nicole in her holographic
Mobian form, Bunny and Antoine DeCoolette, Rotor Walrus, we
took them to our favorite amusement theme parks such as the Disneyland Resort in
Anaheim California, Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando Florida, Universal
Studios Hollywood near Los Angeles, Universal Studios Florida-Islands of
Adventure in Orlando, Knots Berry Farm, Six Flags Magic Mountain and so forth to
allow the Mobian visitors a chance of a lifetime to play and have fun like human
people do themselves on occasion. Some of the many attractions Sonic and friends
experienced were...
Jungle Cruise "DL and WDW versions"
Pirates of the
Caribbean "DL and WDW versions - both similar"
Haunted Mansion "DL and WDW
Splash Mountain "DL and WDW versions"
It's A Small World "DL and
WDW versions - both similar"
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad "DL and WDW
Mark Twain Riverboat of Disneyland & Liberty Belle of WDW
of Presidents of WDW
Space Mountain "DL and WDW versions"
Autopia of
Disneyland and INDY Speedway of WDW
Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters of
Disneyland and Space Ranger Spin of WDW
Monsters Inc Laugh Floor of WDW
Stitch's Great Escape of WDW
Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage of Disneyland
EpCot Attractions of Spaceship Earth, Mission Space, Living with the Land, Test
Track, Guardians of the Galaxy Rollercoaster, World Showcase
Animal Kingdom
Attractions of Expedition Everest, Dinosaur, World of Avatar, Kilimanjaro
Safari, etc.
Hollywood Studios Attractions of Toy Story Land, Toy Story
Midway Mania, etc.
Plus we managed to take lots of photos, sometimes
posing with Disney characters, having them sign autographs for us, video footage
of the rides, blah-blah-blah. Soon it was time for everyone to return to Mobius.
As we prepared to board our spaceship little did we know that forces of evil had
been observing, watching all the time without any of us sensing the dark-side
presence...Commander Borf and his Decepticons! Borf, 2nd in Command Tryax Kahn,
Security Officer Captain Gantu, super genius MegaMind, his sister Crystal and
her alien pet Amber, the Supernova twins Gary and Scorch, Communications Officer
and bodyguard Beerus, and of course the MonStars.
BORF: So, Ace and his
friends showed their Mobian friends a good time, did they?
BEERUS: Indeed
they did, my lord.
TRYAX: Makes me feel jealous that we cannot have fun
like terran people do!
BORF: <scowls> Oh, really? Don't tell me you have
a soft spot for the Autobots.
TRYAX: I-what?!! <shocked look then anger>
Of course not, I hate and despise them!
GANTU: Uh-huh. <nods with arms
MEGAMIND: What are your orders sir?
BORF: We shall follow
them back to Sonic's home world and ambush them! <sneers> Assassinate them all
in one sweep. <draws finger across his neck making a cutting sound>
CRYSTAL: Oh! <alarmed look at first>
AMBER: I don't think I like the
sound of that myself.
GARY: But if what Borf tells us to do then we do it
without question or arguments.
SCORCH: Aye! Let the darkness grow.
BORF: Board our starship and get things ready for liftoff while I contact
the boss-lady.
BEERUS: By your command! <salutes his leader>
while the others were boarding their vessel Borf used his hologram device to
contact the Grand Council Woman whose image appeared miniature version in the
COUNCIL WOMAN: Are you planning on destroying Ace and the Autobots
once and for all?
BORF: Yes boss. I believe it is my destiny to finally
rid myself of my rival adversary for good.
COUNCIL WOMAN: <nods> Very
well, may the dark arts be with you always. <then her image vanishes again>
Moments later Borf was in the captain's chair on the bridge of his starship
as his warriors sat at their console stations readying all systems for blastoff.
Seconds later the Decepticon vessel rocketed away into outer space following the
Autobot vessel already ahead of them and entering deep space to prepare for
hyper-jump penetration. Onboard the Autobot starship.
ACE: Engage second
stage rockets now.
OMAR: <pilot's chair> Yes sir. <operates his controls>
The engines fired to life lifting the Autobot ship out of Earth's orbit
heading towards the moon for a lunar gravitational slingshot maneuver that would
launch us into the void beyond.
SALLY: <navigator's chair> We are
approaching the moon, dear.
ACE: Good, <then> Okay, honey...engage LOI
SALLY: Aye-aye! <operates her controls>
My vessel began
racing around the moon going so fast the satellite of Earth looked like a gray
blur beneath our passage then broke away from its 1/6 gravity field heading into
outer space.
ANGEL: <engineer seat> Ready to initiate hyper-drive warp
engines daddy.
ACE: <nod> Engage...
ANGEL: Punch it! <quotes Han
Solo in Star Wars>
Now there came a low whine that built to high
crescendo as the warp drive generators powered up to full status. The suddenly
the stars elongated and turned into a spiraling vortex-like tunnel of
bluish-white light as the Autobot starship leaped headlong into light-speed. At
first the acceleration shoved us into our seats but then smoothed-leveled out
soon after as we began the long journey back to Sonic's home world.
<from engineering> Warp drive engines running smoothly boss.
Excellent, let me know of anything amiss.
DON: Wilco, boss. <then signs
off transmission>
COLIN: <at weapons tactical> Sensors indicate normal
travel until we reach our destination.
ACE: <nod> Then we drop out of
hyper-space again.
KIMBERLY: <calls from sickbay> At least I don't have
to tend to any patients at the moment.
That made my wife, kids and myself
giggle-chuckle even though the comlink was open so Kimmy could hear us teasing
KIMBERLY: Very funny, ha-ha!
OMAR & ANGEL: Hey, it's only a
joke Aunt Kimmy. <say together>
KIMBERLY: I know...<replies back> I'm
just playing along with you.
SALLY: <rolls her eyes> I'm drowning in
testosteone. <then leers at me> Anything to say or add to that, he?
No, not at the moment. <put up my hands in surrender>
We laughed over
that joke yet Kimberly heard everything and added.
KIMBERLY: I'll pretend
I did not hear that spoken by your wife, duh?
SALLY: What?!! <then
glares> Oooooooooh...<eyes narrowed - teeth bared>
KIMBERLY: Ha-ha, got
you. <then signs off before Sally can retort>
ACE: <roll my eyes> Mom,
Dad, Sis...if you're seeing this, I surely could use some help or advise.
OMAR & ANGEL: Huh? <say together and look at me>
SALLY: Never mind.
<leers at her kids> Daddy's only having fun with me, is that right, yes? <looks
at me again>
ACE: Yes dear. <nod back and wink>
We continued on
our merry way until Nicole and SkyNet confirmed we had come within range of
Mobius and I ordered the twins to cut sub-light engines which they complied and
the Autobot starship returned to normal space again as the familiar
blue-white-brown Mobian world came into sight on the view screen. Max and Alicia
emerged onto the bridge from the elevator.
ALICIA: There it is, home
sweet home.
MAX: Aye, it's so good to be back to our world again. <they
hold hands and stare together>
They were soon joined by Sonic, Jules,
Verne, Bertha, Tails, Rosemary, Amadeus, Rotor, Fiona, Bunny, Antoine who also
took in the beautiful sight.
FIONA: Ah, can't wait to get home and look
at the photos and videos of our adventures.
TAILS: Me too, look back at
all the attractions we went on. <Fiona nods>
BUNNY: It sure was fun
exploring the Disneyland and Walt Disney World resorts.
ANTOINE: That is
was honey.
ROTOR: I think I've had enough fun time to last me forever.
AMY: Me too.
SONIC: Where's the rest of the gang? <looks around the
Then the elevator doors opened again to reveal Team Rocket, Jesse
Dart, Flash Gordon, Star Lord and MewTwo stepping onto the bridge.
Mobius, the home world of Sonic.
JESSE: Like when we first arrived on
that planet long ago.
MEWTWO: That we did, to join Ace and gang in saving
the universe.
JESSE DART: It looks a lot like our world in many ways.
FLASH: Yeah except it's populated by anthropomorphic people.
LORD: With the occasional Overlander humans intermingling among them.
KIMBERLY: At least we do not have to worry about the Decepticons ruining things
for us.
ACE: That's true, yet we cannot underestimate the power of the
dark-side for it will strike without warning.
COLIN: What-the?!! <reacts
in surprise as something pops up onto his monitor> Holy s***!
COLIN: Houston, we have a problem. <quotes Jim Lovell of Apollo 13>
TAILS: We do? <worried look>
COLIN: <nods> Decepticons, right behind
us and closing in fast!
OMAR & ANGEL: No way! <say together in shock>
SALLY: Where?!! <angry stare on her face> I don't see them. <checks her
Then a powerful impact rocked our ship staggering-knocking
everybody off balance as we fought to regain our footing. Alarms went off as
SkyNet announced.
SKYNET: Mayday-mayday! We are under attack, I repeat,
we are under attack!
JESSE DART: Great Scott! <quotes Doc Brown> Right
ACE: Son, Daughter, weapons online! <they perform the task> honey,
shields up! <she performs her task>
MAX: <glowers> They dare attack us on
our way home?
ALICIA: I'm so afraid, scared. <clings to her husband in
MAX: Don't worry, we'll be all right. <tries comforting her>
ACE: If Borf wants a fight then I'll give him one. <glares> Come about,
Suddenly another impact struck our vessel but bounced harmlessly
off the deflector shields yet the blow made everybody stumble about.
<calls from engineering> The shields are still holding but I can't say for
certain how long!
ACE: Hang on down there Davis, I have everything under
control. <then to myself> I think...
While onboard the Decepticon
starship everybody whooped it up as they watched the results of their handy
GANTU: Bulls-eye! Got them good.
SCORCH: Yeah, like shooting
tin cans on a fence.
GARY: They didn't know what hit them.
<sneers> Just the way I like it. Prepare another spread of torpedos to fire on
my mark.
BEERUS: Yes my lord. <works his console>
TRYAX: Uh-oh,
they're coming about to face us head-on. <reports from his station>
Oh, Ace wants to play does he? <raises eyebrows> All right, two can play that
Back onboard the Autobot starship...
OMAR: Right, let's show
those bullies who's boss around here.
ANGEL: Yeah, those creeps.
SALLY: <to me> Honey...<I nod> open fire! <orders her kids to
BOTH KIDS: Fire at will! <work their consoles>
A barrage
of torpedos and lasers shot from my ship to streak away and slam full tilt
against the shields of Borf's vessel rocking it about like a toy in a bath tub.
MEGAMIND: Holy BLEEP! They hit us! <panics>
AMBER: <glares> They dare
strike back?
CRYSTAL: No way. <also glares>
BORF: Return fire,
Back and forth the two ships exchanged firepower against one
another, each trying to damage or weaken the other's shields first to land the
killing blow...
read on to part 2?
Sonic and the Transformers the Movie
- Details
- Written by Scott Oliverson
- Category: Fan Fiction
- Hits: 3618