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Meanwhile...the MonStars had made their way into the
Command Center unopposed or unchallenged and ready to carry out the boss's
instructions to the letter.
POUND: There it is, destroy
SkyNet for Lord Borf! <he and brothers take aim>
COLUMBIA: No! Jurassic
World destroy you! <roars angrily>
Suddenly the prehistoric giants
stomped into view confronting the Mean Team who reacted in shock surprise with
eyes wide and mouths agape.
COLUMBIA: <T-Rex> Get rid of these intruders,
do not let them harm SkyNet!
CHALLENGER: <Triceratops> No sweat, this
should be fun.
DISCOVERY: <Stegosaurus> Yeah, let me at them.
ENDEAVOR: <Ultrasaurus> I'm ready to kick some butts!
<Velociraptor> Attack! <hisses and jumps forward>
In a instant the
dinosaurs launched into their assault against the MonStars shooting laser bolts
from their eyes, mouths, fore-claws, horns (Triceratops), spiked tail
(Stegosaurus) forcing Pound and brothers to retreat, fall back as they returned
fire against Jurassic World.
NAWT: Where the h*** did they come from?!!
BANG: Didn't expect to see them interfere against us.
BLANKO: What do
we do?!!
BUPKUS: Do?!! They brought on the heavy artillery!
Then it's time we did the same, only heavier. MonStars, transform phase one!
Back outside the main base the Mean Team first changed into construction
vehicles as the dinosaurs watched menacingly prepared to assault again.
POUND: Now, transform phase two!
Suddenly in the blink of an eye...the
vehicles began to merge with one another then grow into a 6-ft anthropomorphic
giant, that of a silverback gorilla alias King Kong! Kong roared and beat on his
massive chest then dropped onto his knuckled hands glaring at Jurassic World who
readied themselves for battle. That's when the Autobots and Freedom Fighters
came into sight and saw...
SONIC: Whoa! Where did that giant ape come
from! <shocked look>
AMY: Oh my god! <quotes Joey Stiles of ECW>
ANTOINE & BUNNY: Good grief! <both quote Charlie Brown>
ROTOR: Wait,
isn't that the Jurassic World dinosaurs the Autobots magically created?
FIONA: Looks like they're about to engage that giant ape in battle.
SALLY: No way! <shocked-alarmed look on her face>
Sure enough Columbia,
Challenger, Endeavor, Atlantis and Discovery attacked Kong but were easily
swatted aside or knocked down again and again.
COLIN: <TopKick form> We
got to help them!
ACE: <Western Star form> No, remember the code of
Back inside home base while I was being tended to my injuries by
Dr Kimberly of course it was Nicole and SkyNet informing everybody of the
mysterious intruders.
NICOLE: I had no clue as to their identities since
I never saw them before.
SKYNET: They were about to destroy my systems
when Jurassic World intervened.
FLASH: Great Scott! <quotes Doc Brown>
STAR LORD: Maybe they were new recruits sent to help Borf in his cause.
JESSE DART: Great, just what we need right now. <throws up his hands>
TAILS: I don't understand how or where Borf got so much dark magic to beat
Ace. <scowling frown>
LUPE: Aye, I don't understand either. <also frowns>
IVO: I have the answer! <snaps his fingers - everyone looks at him>
ANTI-SALLY: <nods then begins> SkyNet performed a cat-scan on
Ace's injuries sustained during the brawl and see for yourself. <holds up
ANTI-BUNNY: This is proof that Borf indeed cheated in order to
win. <sneers>
ANTI-TAILS and Others: Yeah! <say together>
and her warriors including Omar and Angel gasp in disbelief at what they saw on
the photos.
ANGEL: What that no-good bully. Borf used the dark powers of
his fellow Decepticon warriors.
OMAR: So he did cheat after all.
MAX: So that means you do not have to exile yourself and your gang into outer
space after all.
ACE: That is affirmative, sire. <I nod> Autobots, the
time has come to fight back.
ALICIA: Yes! <glares> Go teach those bullies
a lesson.
SALLY: Aye-aye, mom! <also glares>
Meanwhile outside the
main entrance of Freedom HQ a standoff took place between Kong and the Jurassic
KONG: Nothing can withstand the might of Kong, nothing! <again
beats on his chest and roars>
That's when another deep-booming voice
spoke from behind the giant gorilla who spun to see who was there. Standing
before him was another 6-ft giant resembling Godzilla the fire-breathing
GODZILLA: Nothing? What would you say about me, he? <roars
Borf and his minions gasped in shock at this newcomer along with
EGGMAN: Oops, not good. <quotes Jack Sparrow>
ACE: Now,
before he realizes what's happening.
Flash, Colin, Kimberly, Jesse Dart,
Star Lord, Don, Team Rocket, MewTwo, Angel, Omar all fired their laser guns at
the same time striking Kong who roared in surprise and pain crashing onto his
backside then morphing back into construction vehicles again. That was the cue
for Sally and her gang along with Anti-Sally and her gang to attack as they
charged forth, yelling and shouting like the Confederate Rebels "Rebel Yell" at
Bull Run firing their laser guns on the run, overwhelming the MonStars who were
unable to defend themselves and one by one they fell unconscious reverting back
to their normal forms afterwards. Then the Godzilla illusion faded away
BORF: That was a holographic illusion, it wasn't real!
ACE: No, but we are!
Then I and my teammates opened up with a salvo
of firepower against Gantu, MegaMind, Beerus, Scorch, Gary, Tryax, Amber,
Crystal stunning the grays into submission themselves. Now it was just both
leaders facing off as always.
ACE: Borf, you do not have to fight all the
Autobots alone...just me.
BORF: Why you...<starts to aim the Infanto Ray
gun> I'll shrink you again into Dexter permanently.
But before he could
shoot the deadly weapon at me it was my kids who used the light-side to
stun-disorient the Decepticon leader who yelled in pain then groped blindly with
squinted shut eyes as he fought to regain his vision again. Next my wife landed
her specialty Bruce Lee flying sidekick knocking the Infanto Ray out of his
SALLY: This one is for my husband! <glares and assumes fighting
Borf again tried sensing her through the magic but appeared to be
confused as to where she was.
BORF: Where are you, wench! Reveal yourself
so I can crush you.
SALLY: <glare deepens> Ooooooooh...<teeth bared> No
one calls me a wench.
OMAR & ANGEL: Go get him mom! <shout together>
ACE: BORF! <I shout to get his attention> This one is for my family and ME!
Then I leaped through the air landing a double inside crescent kick slamming
my boots on both side of my rival's head making him grunt in pain,
stagger-stumble off balance then spun like a top to crash face-first into the
ground as a big gasp went up from everybody looking on.
Aaaaaaaugh! <cries like Charlie Brown> He killed him! <eyes wide behind dark
glasses> I'm out of here! <flies away on EggMobile>
That's when the other
Decepticons rushed to their leader's aid and teleported-vanished like ghosts
into nothingness as a big cheer went up from Mobians and Terran alike. I, Sally,
Angel and Omar slapped high-five and fist bumped each other whooping it up.
ACE: It's over.
MAX: Is it really over, have we seen the end of this
war-games for good?
ACE: Who can say, sire. In this vast universe is
anything possible.
ALICIA: That's what I'm afraid of.
SALLY: Don't
worry, mother. We have earned another triumph against the enemy.
MonStars had made their way into the Command Center unopposed or unchallenged
and ready to carry out the boss's instructions to the letter.
There it is, destroy SkyNet for Lord Borf! <he and brothers take aim>
COLUMBIA: No! Jurassic World destroy you! <roars angrily>
Suddenly the
prehistoric giants stomped into view confronting the Mean Team who reacted in
shock surprise with eyes wide and mouths agape.
COLUMBIA: <T-Rex> Get rid
of these intruders, do not let them harm SkyNet!
<Triceratops> No sweat, this should be fun.
DISCOVERY: <Stegosaurus>
Yeah, let me at them.
ENDEAVOR: <Ultrasaurus> I'm ready to kick some
ATLANTIS: <Velociraptor> Attack! <hisses and jumps forward>
In a instant the dinosaurs launched into their assault against the MonStars
shooting laser bolts from their eyes, mouths, fore-claws, horns (Triceratops),
spiked tail (Stegosaurus) forcing Pound and brothers to retreat, fall back as
they returned fire against Jurassic World.
NAWT: Where the h*** did they
come from?!!
BANG: Didn't expect to see them interfere against us.
BLANKO: What do we do?!!
BUPKUS: Do?!! They brought on the heavy
POUND: Then it's time we did the same, only heavier. MonStars,
transform phase one!
Back outside the main base the Mean Team first
changed into construction vehicles as the dinosaurs watched menacingly prepared
to assault again.
POUND: Now, transform phase two!
Suddenly in the
blink of an eye...the vehicles began to merge with one another then grow into a
6-ft anthropomorphic giant, that of a silverback gorilla alias King Kong! Kong
roared and beat on his massive chest then dropped onto his knuckled hands
glaring at Jurassic World who readied themselves for battle. That's when the
Autobots and Freedom Fighters came into sight and saw...
SONIC: Whoa!
Where did that giant ape come from! <shocked look>
AMY: Oh my god!
<quotes Joey Stiles of ECW>
ANTOINE & BUNNY: Good grief! <both quote
Charlie Brown>
ROTOR: Wait, isn't that the Jurassic World dinosaurs the
Autobots magically created?
FIONA: Looks like they're about to engage
that giant ape in battle.
SALLY: No way! <shocked-alarmed look on her
Sure enough Columbia, Challenger, Endeavor, Atlantis and Discovery
attacked Kong but were easily swatted aside or knocked down again and again.
COLIN: <TopKick form> We got to help them!
ACE: <Western Star form>
No, remember the code of honor.
Back inside home base while I was being
tended to my injuries by Dr Kimberly of course it was Nicole and SkyNet
informing everybody of the mysterious intruders.
NICOLE: I had no clue as
to their identities since I never saw them before.
SKYNET: They were
about to destroy my systems when Jurassic World intervened.
FLASH: Great
Scott! <quotes Doc Brown>
STAR LORD: Maybe they were new recruits sent to
help Borf in his cause.
JESSE DART: Great, just what we need right now.
<throws up his hands>
TAILS: I don't understand how or where Borf got so
much dark magic to beat Ace. <scowling frown>
LUPE: Aye, I don't
understand either. <also frowns>
IVO: I have the answer! <snaps his
fingers - everyone looks at him> Anti-Sally?
ANTI-SALLY: <nods then
begins> SkyNet performed a cat-scan on Ace's injuries sustained during the brawl
and see for yourself. <holds up photos>
ANTI-BUNNY: This is proof that
Borf indeed cheated in order to win. <sneers>
ANTI-TAILS and Others:
Yeah! <say together>
Sally and her warriors including Omar and Angel gasp
in disbelief at what they saw on the photos.
ANGEL: What that no-good
bully. Borf used the dark powers of his fellow Decepticon warriors.
So he did cheat after all.
MAX: So that means you do not have to exile
yourself and your gang into outer space after all.
ACE: That is
affirmative, sire. <I nod> Autobots, the time has come to fight back.
ALICIA: Yes! <glares> Go teach those bullies a lesson.
SALLY: Aye-aye,
mom! <also glares>
Meanwhile outside the main entrance of Freedom HQ a
standoff took place between Kong and the Jurassic World.
KONG: Nothing
can withstand the might of Kong, nothing! <again beats on his chest and roars>
That's when another deep-booming voice spoke from behind the giant gorilla
who spun to see who was there. Standing before him was another 6-ft giant
resembling Godzilla the fire-breathing dinosaur.
GODZILLA: Nothing? What
would you say about me, he? <roars back>
Borf and his minions gasped in
shock at this newcomer along with Eggman.
EGGMAN: Oops, not good. <quotes
Jack Sparrow>
ACE: Now, before he realizes what's happening.
Flash, Colin, Kimberly, Jesse Dart, Star Lord, Don, Team Rocket, MewTwo, Angel,
Omar all fired their laser guns at the same time striking Kong who roared in
surprise and pain crashing onto his backside then morphing back into
construction vehicles again. That was the cue for Sally and her gang along with
Anti-Sally and her gang to attack as they charged forth, yelling and shouting
like the Confederate Rebels "Rebel Yell" at Bull Run firing their laser guns on
the run, overwhelming the MonStars who were unable to defend themselves and one
by one they fell unconscious reverting back to their normal forms afterwards.
Then the Godzilla illusion faded away afterwards.
BORF: That was a
holographic illusion, it wasn't real!
ACE: No, but we are!
Then I
and my teammates opened up with a salvo of firepower against Gantu, MegaMind,
Beerus, Scorch, Gary, Tryax, Amber, Crystal stunning the grays into submission
themselves. Now it was just both leaders facing off as always.
ACE: Borf,
you do not have to fight all the Autobots alone...just me.
you...<starts to aim the Infanto Ray gun> I'll shrink you again into Dexter
But before he could shoot the deadly weapon at me it was my
kids who used the light-side to stun-disorient the Decepticon leader who yelled
in pain then groped blindly with squinted shut eyes as he fought to regain his
vision again. Next my wife landed her specialty Bruce Lee flying sidekick
knocking the Infanto Ray out of his hands.
SALLY: This one is for my
husband! <glares and assumes fighting stance>
Borf again tried sensing
her through the magic but appeared to be confused as to where she was.
BORF: Where are you, wench! Reveal yourself so I can crush you.
<glare deepens> Ooooooooh...<teeth bared> No one calls me a wench.
ANGEL: Go get him mom! <shout together>
ACE: BORF! <I shout to get his
attention> This one is for my family and ME!
Then I leaped through the
air landing a double inside crescent kick slamming my boots on both side of my
rival's head making him grunt in pain, stagger-stumble off balance then spun
like a top to crash face-first into the ground as a big gasp went up from
everybody looking on.
EGGMAN: Aaaaaaaugh! <cries like Charlie Brown> He
killed him! <eyes wide behind dark glasses> I'm out of here! <flies away on
That's when the other Decepticons rushed to their leader's aid
and teleported-vanished like ghosts into nothingness as a big cheer went up from
Mobians and Terran alike. I, Sally, Angel and Omar slapped high-five and fist
bumped each other whooping it up.
ACE: It's over.
MAX: Is it
really over, have we seen the end of this war-games for good?
ACE: Who
can say, sire. In this vast universe is anything possible.
ALICIA: That's
what I'm afraid of.
SALLY: Don't worry, mother. We have earned another
triumph against the enemy.
Sonic and the Transformers Episode 5 CH2 P3 by Scott Oliverson
- Details
- Written by Scott Oliverson
- Category: Fan Fiction
- Hits: 3696