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MAX: I'm not too crazy about this duel of honor Ace.
His majesty and his wife were meeting with me inside
the throne room of Castle Acorn.
ALICIA: Besides, you don't know if Borf
will play fairly or cheat to defeat you.
ACE: The code of honor on our
world specifies that both combatants fight evenly without assistance from their
SALLY: I don't like it one bit. <frowns with arms folded>
MAX: I don't like it too my dear.
ACE: Under those rules I'm
confident I can beat Borf at his own game. If he does not abide by the rules,
SkyNet will let me know.
ALICIA: Very well, my husband and I wish you
best of luck.
MAX: Indeed, the whole kingdom is behind you 100%.
ACE: Thank you sire, my queen. <check watch> The time and location of the rumble
is about to begin.
SALLY: Then let's not keep the opposition waiting for
us, he? <playful leer on her face>
Transporting Sally's parents in style
aboard the cabs of the semi forms of Ace and Sally...other eyewitnesses
including Dr Kintobor and the Anti-Freedom Fighters from Dark Mobius who crossed
over to watch the rumble via the Star Post transporter, the Wolf Pack Nation and
Feline Nation, blah-blah-blah...the Autobots proceeded to the Coliseum where the
battle was to take place. Once there everybody took their seats within the
circular amphitheater.
COLIN: Okay, we're here so where's the opposition?
IVO: Does that answer your question, sir? <points into the sky>
COLIN: Oops, sorry I asked. <shrugs helplessly>
DON: Uh, yup. They
have arrived. <frowns>
ANTOINE: <also frowns> I hate and despise those
evil grays.
BUNNY: Me too dear.
KIMBERLY: Good luck, leader. May
the magic be with you.
ACE: You got it Kimmy. <I like to call her by that
KIMBERLY: <laughs> At least you don't have to hear me keep
calling you Dexter, yes? <smirks>
ACE: Oh far out. <roll my eyes>
Tails, Amy, Fiona, Jesse Dart, Flash Gordon, Team Rocket, MewTwo, Sonic, Sally,
Nicole, Anti-Sally, Anti-Bunny, Anti-Amy, Anti-Rotor, Anti-Antoine, Anti-Tails
booed and jeered the grays yet the Decepticons took no heed whatsoever, instead
they thought the Mobian and terran warriors were applauding them.
Hail Ace, and welcome to defeat. <sneers>
ACE: Oh really? You want to
make this Best-of-3 or Best-of-5 rumble?
BORF: Very funny...<glowers>
although I am not in the mood for good humor.
ACE: Figures...<shrug>
We levitated to ground level and stood on the main stage facing off each
other as the spectators got set to watch the brawl.
this remind you of ancient gladiatorial combats of Rome?
FIONA: I don't
know what you're talking about. <confused frown>
JESSE DART: Skip it,
lady in black. You wouldn't understand anyway. <grins as she frowns at him>
ACE: May the best warrior of magic win, both light and dark.
With the loser vanquished forever and that of his gang too.
We saluted
each other then commenced throwing orbs of magic at each other then shielding
against the projectiles. Unfortunately Ace discovered to his shock and amazement
that Borf's strength was more than what he expected.
ACE: Never knew he
was that strong...
Both leaders then attacked with kung fu-wushu strikes
back and forth landing blows against their targets but it was Borf who seemed to
be gaining the advantage over his opponent as the audience gasped each time Ace
went down then got up only to be knocked down again.
OMAR: Dad! You can
beat him!
ANGEL: Come on, daddy! Don't let him insult you.
Hang in there honey!
At the same time Tryax was gloating or boasting to
his friends of the specialty powers Borf acquired from his horde.
It seems our leader is doing fine for the moment, what with our added powers to
his own.
CRYSTAL: Yeah, looks that way.
AMBER: Ace doesn't stand a
chance against him now. <sneers>
MEGAMIND: Yeah, you said it.
SCORCH: Hit him again, boss!
GARY: You got him, who-ho!
He's doomed already. <sneers>
GANTU: Yeah...<smirks>
In the
meantime the MonStars arrived outside Freedom Headquarters in their construction
vehicle forms transforming back to alien humanoid selves again.
Right, the boss wants us to destroy SkyNet so he cannot warn Ace.
Like taking candy from a baby.
BANG: Cool, I like that part. <rubs hands
BLANKO: So how do we get inside without being detected?
POUND: Easy, make ourselves disappear like ghosts then walk through the front
door. <gestures>
BUPKUS: I like it when a plan comes to action. <quotes
Hannibal Smith of the A-Team television show>
With that they shimmered
and vanished in seconds then passed through the main entrance leading into the
complex. While back at the Coliseum the rumble continued with the audience
cheering for both fighters.
ACE! <start chanting and pumping their fists>
IVO: You can beat him Ace,
go for it!
Somehow that got me back into
the fight as I retaliated with a flurry of punches and kicks staggering-reeling
Borf off-balance momentarily who looked shocked that I was not about to submit
to him. That's when he upped the antes so to speak.
BORF: You can't fight
what you can't see.
Without warning he blasted me with blinding flashes
causing me to shield my eyes, turn away briefly yet the effect knocked me
OMAR & ANGEL: Dad! <shout together in alarm>
Honey! <horror on her face>
MAX & ALICIA: Oh my god! <quote Joey Stiles
of ECW>
Then he let me have it with another dark magic assault while I
was still incapacitated momentarily.
BORF: Or you cannot fight what you
can't hear.
This time he unleashed a barrage of sound waves making me
stagger about like a blind man or drunk wino clutching my ears in pain.
Kimberly, Flash, Don, Colin, Star Lord, Jesse, James, Jesse Dart, and friends
stared in wide eyed horror as they watched their leader getting assaulted
without trying to fight back. Although I tried striking back against Borf I was
unable to sense where his blows were coming from as he danced around me like
Muhammad Ali landing quick jabs to the body and head.
TRYAX: What's he
doing, playing with him like that? When is he going to finish him off?!!
I slumped forward clasping my kneecaps with both palms gasping for breath and
still unable to focus clearly on my opponent. Borf gloated-taunted me with hands
on hips gesture.
BORF: You were good Ace, but not good enough to beat me.
<turns to the spectators> And so the battle ends!
Then without warning he
struck out with force lightning stinging me all over as I yelled, screamed in
pain then crashed-collapsed onto my face and side as a big gasp went up from
everyone looking on.
BORF: Ace is finished! All Autobots must exile
themselves into space forever! <then laughs evilly>
IVO: I can't believe
it. <stunned look> Ace beaten by Borf.
no...<say together with grim looks>
Omar, Angel, Sally hurried down from
the gallery and rushed to my side with worried looks on their faces.
ANGEL: Daddy, daddy...<scared look on her face>
OMAR: Father, speak to
us, say something.
SALLY: Honey, wake up. <scared look on her face>
Remembering her training the Freedom Fighter leader called upon the
light-side to revive her husband as I regained consciousness opened my eyes and
looked up at my wife.
ACE: Honey, what are you doing?
sorry you lost the match to Borf. Wish I could've helped but agreed to abide by
the code.
ANGEL: <glares at Borf> That no-good bully, how dare he beat
you like that.
OMAR: <also glares> Yeah, it's like he cheated or played
ACE: My fault, did not underestimate Borf's magic. Was not
That's when my teammates joined me on-stage so to speak.
STAR LORD: Well I'm prepared to kick those butt-heads all the way back to
Earth. <bangs fists together>
But I shook my head.
ACE: No, Borf
beat me fair and square according to war-games rules. To violate those rules
would destroy my honor. We will comply, leave this planet forever.
made all Mobians gasp in disbelief including Sally's parents too.
hate to say this, but...we will not forget you and all you did for us.
ALICIA: Yes, we will always remember you.
FLASH: We'll need to have
SkyNet diagnose your injuries to make sure you are not too hurt. <then adds> Can
you transform?
ACE: I-I'll try...
Somehow I managed to change into
the Western Star 5700 semi form then with my brother towing me back to home base
the Autobots made a slow, defeated retreat to headquarters as the Mobian
spectators exited the Colisum feeling disappointed and upset about the outcome
of the brawl.
BORF: <to his warriors> We will accompany them back to base
to make certain Ace keeps his word.
TO BE CONTINUED... Ready for the
third part of Chapter 2?
Click here.
Sonic and the Transformers Episode 5 CH2 P2 by Scott Oliverson
- Details
- Written by Scott Oliverson
- Category: Fan Fiction
- Hits: 3641