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After showing videos of Jurassic Park and Jurassic World
to the Freedom Fighters, King and Queen Acorn about dinosaurs brought to life
through DNA cloning technology myself (Ace), Kimberly, Colin, Star Lord, Flash,
Don, James Rocket, Jesse Rocket, MewTwo, Omar and Angel decided to create our
own brand of dinosaur anthropomorphic warriors then teach or train them in the
magic arts to combat against the dark arts of evil. In no time we created a
Tyrannosaurus Rex named Columbia after the first NASA space shuttle, a
Triceratops named Challenger, the shuttle that exploded on liftoff, a
Stegosaurus named Discovery, a Ultrasaurus named Endeavor, and a Velociraptor
named Atlantis which were also named after NASA space shuttles (the latter of
which were forced into retirement and reside within Air & Space museums on
Earth) At first Sally and her gang were uneasy about having dinosaurs working
with them to combat Dr Eggman's forces but in the end agreed to see how well
they would follow orders to the letter. Unfortunately the Decepticons received
new recruits courtesy of the Grand Council Woman when she sent to Mobius the
MonStars (Space Jam movie) alien humanoid warriors resembling NBA legend
superstars of basketball such as Pound the green MonStar assuming the identity
of Larry Bird (Boston Celtics), Bang the yellow MonStar assuming the identity of
Michael Jordan (Chicago Bulls), Blanko the blue MonStar assuming the identity of
Patrick Ewing (New York Knickerbockers), Bupkus the purple MonStar assuming the
identity of Magic Johnson (Los Angeles Lakers), and Nawt the red MonStar
assuming the identity of Isiah Thomas (Detroit Pistons)
After the
MonStars arrived at Decepticon home base in RoboTropolis and informed Borf and
Eggman they were ready to serve and obey at will it was Robotnik himself who
sent them on a stealing assignment so to speak to raid a Mobian construction
site disguised as normal looking construction vehicles like those used on Earth
to build things. Pound disguised as a Caterpillar 773B Dump Truck, Bang
disguised as a Caterpillar 9DL Bulldozer, Blanko disguised as a Mack Cement
Mixer, Bupkus disguised as a O&K/Terex RH400 Excavator, Nawt disguised as a
Kobelco CK2500 Truss Crane since Borf needed important equipment supplies in
order to seek vengeance-revenge against Ace once and for all. After a successful
strike the MonStars returned to RoboTropolis arriving back at home base.
BORF: So the MonStars proved themselves worthy as my boss said they would, get
the job done right so to speak. Pound, report!
present and accounted for my leader. <he and his brothers change back to alien
normal forms> Nawt, Blanko, Bang, Bupkus, and myself.
EGGMAN: You have
the stolen energy disc components? <all five nod> Excellent, unload and begin
work on your project at once.
NAWT: <half bows> It is a honor to serve
you Dr Robotnik. <his brothers do the same gesture>
Within seconds the
Mean Team was busy constructing a simple machine-like device as Borf, Tryax
Kahn, Eggman looked on with evil satisfaction.
BORF: Soon, this invention
will give me the power I need to finally defeat the Autobots.
Forgive me for saying it, but I believe your boast sounds vaguely familiar.
BORF: I've failed too many times already but I will not be denied victory
this time.
EGGMAN: And how will this invention of the MonStars suffice in
your quest for revenge?
BORF: <evil grin> It will allow me to expose
Ace's ultimate weakness, his desire of honor.
TRYAX: I got a bad feeling
about this. <quotes Threepio in Star Wars>
Far away within Autobot home
base once known as Freedom Headquarters of course, things were quiet and normal,
until that is when Angel and Omar standing outside the main entrance suddenly
sensed a tremor disturbance in the magic.
OMAR: Uh-oh, I feel something
bad is on the way and I'm talking bad dark arts.
SALLY: Can you identify
its source, honey? <asks her daughter Angel>
ANGEL: <reaches out with the
magic> Only one presence fast approaching mom. But it's more than one presence
when it's Borf!
ACE: Holy s***! <I curse angrily> Since when did he
decide to pay us a friendly social call.
OMAR: Here he comes, dad!
<points into the sky>
Sure enough it was Borf riding his hover-pod
vehicle as he sped towards Autobot HQ but fortunately did not have the Infanto
Ray gun with him. Don Davis, Flash Gordon, Star Lord, Colin Kintobor, Jesse
Dart, Kimberly, Amy Rose, Tails, Bunny and Antoine DeCoolette, Fiona Fox, Rotor
Walrus, Sonic Hedgehog, Team Rocket rushed outside their laser rifles and
pistols trained on the approaching warlord then without my orders to engage
began shooting into the sky to try and stun the Decepticon leader who skillfully
avoided the bolts thrown at him like playing DodgeBall.
ACE: Why have you
decided to make yourself a target instead of fighting back?!!
Because I've come to talk, not fight, Ace.
SALLY: Oh really? <frowns with
arms folded>
ACE: Autobots, cease fire. <order everyone to stand down>
Very well, speak.
BORF: I have come about a matter of truth, Ace. Our
war-games have gone on for too long a time with neither side gaining advantage
over the other. Therefore, I suggest a duel of honor in which opposing leaders,
you and I shall do battle. The loser must exile himself into space for all
eternity, the winner may stay where he chooses.
A big gasp went up from
Mobian and Terran warriors alike!
BORF: Do you have the courage to do
that? <sneers at me>
SONIC: I don't trust him one bit. <glowers>
TAILS: Me too partner. <also glowers>
KIMBERLY: But it's according to
war-games and you can take him. <I nod>
ACE: And it is the code of honor
from our own planet. I accept the dare.
BORF: Dare?!! Who said anything
about a dare, he? <pretends to look surprised>
He then fought hard to
keep from laughing out loud in front of his rival who arched eyebrows like Mr
Spock in reply while Sally scowling suspiciously shook her head with arms still
BORF: Somehow I thought you would take the challenge, Ace. You
have a strong sense of honor. <again sneers and rises into the sky>
watched him disappear before heading back into home base. Borf returned to
RoboTropolis and Decepticon headquarters as Eggman said the MonStars project was
completed and online, ready for testing.
EGGMAN: I don't know what you
plan or have in mind but whatever it is, then good luck.
BORF: Thank you
sir. <nods>
He lay prone on a table as restraining straps went about his
wrists and ankles, sensor pads attached to his torso including his heart and
lungs that were connected by wires hooked up to the device. He looked a lot like
Frankenstein's monster about to be electro-shocked by lightning to come to life.
Pound, Bang, Nawt, Blanko and Bupkus stood next to him on both sides of the
table while Gantu, Beerus, MegaMind, Tryax, Gary, Scorch, Amber, Crystal looked
BORF: We are ready for the test procedures Pound, commence
energy-strength transfer.
POUND: By your command Lord Borf. <salutes him>
The green MonStar activated a control panel as the machine came online then
turned to address the assembled grays.
POUND: Now, each of you must
donate half of your dark powers into the chamber. <indicates vat>
But, isn't that a lot like cheating? <worried look at first> Besides the battle
code requires both warriors to fight as they are without interference or
assistance from their friends.
BORF: I will win by any means, and at any
cost. Even if it means terminating you Tryax.
TRYAX: Well excuse me for
pointing it out to you. <shrugs>
The 2nd in Command along with the other
Decepticons sent forth dark orbs of magic into the containment chamber until it
was filled to capacity.
POUND: The temperature readings are achieved my
BORF: Then let the transfer begin.
In an instant electricity
began flowing into Borf's body as he went into a sleep-trance without feeling
any pain or discomfort while the transfer commenced.
BORF: Yes,
more...more, give me all your power!
Suddenly he cried out as though
being electrocuted, his body jerked-spasm violently against the straps then went
limp again as Amber, Crystal, Beerus, MegaMind, Gantu, Tryax, Scorch, Gary all
gasped in horror as though witnessing the death of their great leader so
suddenly. Even the MonStars looked shocked too.
BANG: Uh-oh...did we do
something wrong?
BLANKO: I hope not.
BUPKUS: What happened, did
something malfunction?
NAWT: I got a bad feeling about this. <quotes
Threepio in Star Wars>
POUND: Uh, boss?
For a moment no one spoke
or moved a muscle. Then Borf began to stir, groan as if coming around so to
speak, regaining consciousness that is and opened his eyes with an evil leering
expression on his face.
EGGMAN: Uh, I hate that look in his eyes.
<cringes or flinches>
BORF: The strength transfer was a success. <sits up
and removes sensor pads and straps> I now possess all the dark magic in the
universe. Ace and the Autobots are finished!
Everyone gasped in
astonishment as they watched their leader stand up and walk about while testing
his newfound powers so to speak.
BORF: I control all the dark powers of
the Decepticons, of course I had no intention of taking all of it away from you,
that would be rude of me. <his warriors all nod>
TRYAX: SkyNet, the
Autobots computer. <scowling look> If he senses your trickery he will inform his
BORF: He will not do such a thing! <addresses the Mean Team>
MonStars, you know what to do. <all five nod in unison> MonStars, transform!
One by one the Mean Team changed into Caterpillar Dump Truck and Bulldozer,
Mack Cement Mixer, Terex Excavator and Kobelco Truss Crane in the blink of an
EGGMAN: So what are their assignments, may I ask? <curious look>
BORF: Simple, while the Autobots and Freedom Fighters are assembled to watch
the death match between Ace and myself, the MonStars will infiltrate their home
base and destroy SkyNet.
EGGMAN: Whoa-ho-ho-ho-ho! <evil laugh>
BORF: Ace will not know what hit him! <laughs evilly too>
CONTINUED... Ready for the second part of Episode 5 Chapter 2?
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Sonic and the Transformers Episode 5 CH2 P1 by Scott Oliverson
- Details
- Written by Scott Oliverson
- Category: Fan Fiction
- Hits: 3591