Model Sheets The Void Outline Backgrounds The SatAM Bible Master Cel
Model Sheets
MiscellaneousThe Haystack Patrol Vehicle 1 Patrol Vehicle 2 Patrol Vehicle 3 Patrol Vehicle 4
Power Ring Sonic's Backpack Trashcan and Lid Hedgehog Alert Light
Heads or Tails
Boomer's Backpack 1 Boomer's Backpack 2 Boomer's Bib Boomer's Fish Floating Eye Robot
Catapult 1 Catapult 2 Catapult 3 Halo Catapult Catapult Broken Arm
Catapult Repaired Arm Cluck's Eyeball Uncle Chuck Photo Sleek Hoover 1 Sleek Hoover 2
Sleek Hoover 3 Sleek Hoover 4
Hooked on Sonics
Robotnik's Hoover (Bad Quality) Button on Chair Laser Howitzer Shredder Remote (Bad Quality) Sonic Radar (So-So Quality)
Sonic Racer
Hoover Racer (Bad Quality) Antenna Relay Generator Computer
Others (will be seperated and organized soon)
Box With Screen (Secret Scrolls) Freedom Stormer (Secret Scrolls) Telescope (Warp Sonic)
I have no idea what these are...
Car Pipe Sonic Watch (I want one) Spitball Bullet
"The Void" Outline
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Outline 2
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SatAM Bible
This is a copy of the SatAM Bible. It's not the first bible, and it's obviously not anywhere near the last. This bible contains the original name for Snively (Quizley), says Antoine's accent is British (not French, as we know it is), and talks about Nate Morgan. Yes, Nate Morgan of the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comics series was originally a SatAM character! However, perhaps it's for the best that they decided to change things the way they did, or else we would have had another AoStH. I mean, as much as I like AoStH, we don't need two series of it.Interesting to note that on Page 10, whoever was marking on the sidelines (probably its author, Len Janson) mentions a game ("Will not appear in game. He [Tails] rolls up instead.") I didn't notice it at first, but I remember hearing rumors about a game called Sonic Mars that was to take place in the SatAM/Archie world; perhaps this was a reference to this game... OR the more likely answer, since it was revised before Sonic 2 came out, it's Sonic 2 that they're refering to. It's entirely possible that Len could have been referring to the Sonic-16 demo that was made (as it was based off SatAM, and would later evolve into Sonic Mars).
The last thing to note is on the last two pages there are story ideas. The Quest obviously later on became Sonic Boom, Heads or Tails became... well thats obvious, but the original concept is different. As for Bug Off, it either evolved into two seperate episodes, Harmonic Sonic, Sonic Past Cool (the spying on Knothole, and someone wanting to keep a pet), or the idea was scraped all together.
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"Master Cel"
An "Animation Cel" was sent to us recently by user "Denn". His story is this:"The story I heard when I bought it back in 1999 was that this is a one-of-a-kind cel that was painted for the first producer of the show back in 1992 or 1993. The producer of the show was pretty ticked at Sega when the show was ended so abruptly that he wanted it out of his house. In 1994 or 1995, his neighbor (while visiting his garage) took a liking to it and asked how much he wanted for the cel. It was sold to this neighbor "DDD" for $USD 100. Later DDD sold it on eBay to me in 1999 for $200. I've had it ever since..."
This story seems to fit. The characters are in their "Season 1" appearance, and Cluck is present. Were this made during Season 2, we'd probably have Season 2 Rotor, Sally with a vest, and Irises in their eyes as opposed to being a solid color. I would say this probably hung in some important hallway in DiC with other such cels of thier shows, as offices as such sometimes have. Below are Low-Quality and High-Quality Versions of this cel.

Low-Quality | High Quality